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Departing Suggestions

Paul Meleshkewich

We have noticed builders are no longer installing humidistats in their new construction. Commencing in 2015, we suggest that our clients purchase dehumidifiers for their units, especially if the unit is internal to the building.

Some are purchasing two, one for the master bed room draining into the shower and one for the kitchen draining into the sink. We suggest that they also set the thermostat to 78 degrees and leave the humidistat in the home position (on or off), fan in” auto” and mode in “cool”. For a professional opinion, check with your HVAC service. See our web site for more information.

Upgrade HVAC controls to digital thermostats. Change HVAC filters and have two spares. If HVAC filter is in the ceiling, place a ladder in the area. While in residence, run dehumidifiers in the manual mode to assure they are working. Run HVAC in the “heat” mode to assure all is working correctly.

Check all toilet tank fixtures; if there is any indication of rust or wear, have them replaced. Check all washing machine hoses and replace if there is any sign of rust or wear.

Make sure unit is clean and kitchen cabinets are free of grease spots. Discard or take with you any wet or damp items (ex. hats, belts, shoes, towels) these are prime food sources for mold. Do not leave anything in the washer and dryer. Any items left in any part of your home, garage, or storage unit that is not climate controlled, will become covered with mildew. Do not place any item which cannot be washed in any non-climate controlled room.

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